Baking soda is one of the most common household ingredients that can be used for a number of things including cleaning, dedorising and even stain removal. Keep reading to find what our favourite baking soda uses are.
1. Unclog your drain – If your kitchen or bathroom drain is clogged, pour 1 cup of baking soda followed by a cup of hot vinegar (heat in the microwave). This mixture will fizz and you should wait for the fizzing and bubbling to stop. Then, pour 1 litre of boiling water. The baking soda and vinegar will dissolve grease and any grime buildup that may be clogging your drain. Do not hesitate to repeat the steps above if necessary.
2. To clean and flush out your automatic coffee maker – To properly clean your coffee maker, you should rinse it once in a while. By doing this you will prevent your coffee from coming out bitter or weak. Every 2-3 weeks, brew a pot of 1 litre of water mixed with 1⁄4 cup of baking soda. When done, brew a pot of plain water.
3. Get rid of smelly feet – If your feet tend to become smelly after a long day of working or walking, soak them in a tub filled with cold water and 1 cup of baking soda. Soak your feet inside for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and dry. This will help eliminate bad odours, help with excess sweating and even reduce toe pain and soreness.
4. Wash your hair – Too much of a good thing (such as built-up gel, hairspray, and conditioner) can be harmful for your hair when it comes to personal hair care. However, a thorough cleansing with baking soda once a week will remove all of the gunk from your hair. Simply shampoo your hair with one spoonful of baking soda. It will remove all of the chemicals you have used in your hair as well as any contaminants in the water.
5. Remove musty odour from books – We all love that old book smell that brings us back good feelings. However, if you left a box of books in your basement, they may have developed a musty smell. To get rid of it, place each book in a brown paper bag and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda at the bottom. Tie the bag up and let it sit in a dry place for a few days. When done, remove the book from the bag and shake off any excess baking soda that may have gotten stuck between the pages.
6. Deep clean your smelly dishwasher – Even though dishwashers are usually the ones doing the cleaning, they also need some TLC once in a while. To get rid of the bad odour inside, pour a cup of baking soda at the bottom of your dishwasher and run a rinse cycle. There is no need for further cleaning or rinsing before the next use.
7. Cleaning a burned pot – If you forgot a pot on the stove, there is a high chance that a thick burnt-on black residue will be left at the bottom of it. This is usually nearly impossible to get rid of. To make things easier, fill the pot halfway up with water, pour in a cup of baking soda, mix well and bring to a boil. When boiling, turn off the stove and let the pot sit with the solution overnight. In the morning, the black mess will come off with ease.
8. Protect your sensitive stomach – If your stomach is picky and often gives you problems like heartburn, stomachache, etc., try adding a tiny pinch of baking soda to your drinks or meals. Do that whenever you are drinking orange juice, coffee, tomato soup, or any other foods that may trigger your bad stomach. A tiny amount of baking soda will help reduce the acidity in your stomach. Make sure you don’t overdo it since your food may start tasting bland.
9. Soothe a bite – If you forgot your mosquito repellent and just got bitten, rush inside and place a tablespoon of baking soda in your palm. Make a paste with a few drops of water and smear it on the bite area. Allow it to dry and flake off. Treating a mark in this manner as soon as possible will help to reduce the redness and itching. The same procedure is effective for bee stings, provided you have thoroughly removed any residue of the stinger.
10. Soothe your sunburnt skin – If you spent a long day in the sun and forgot to apply your sunscreen, your skin will suffer. If you get it bad, your skin will be red, stingy and painful. To reduce the inflammation and pain, make yourself a soothing bath. Pour 1 cup of baking soda into a lukewarm bath and lay down in it. Soak and relax as long as you want. You will feel that your skin will be calmer, less tight and not so painful.